More detail on this person: Lost longitudional control on the CH-21 he was flying, went end over
end and crashed in a rice paddy in Korea.Before I went thru flight school I was a CH-21 Cargo
Helicopter crew chief and I flew from time to time with Ben while stationed at Ft. Devens with 93rd
Trans and then when I was stationed in Korea in the 13th Trans. Co. with CH-21. I found out that
Ben Humphreys was returning to his unit the 6th Trans Co at K6 and lost longitudional control and
the Ch21 he was piloting went end over end and crashed in a rice paddy. Later on Ben was
memorialized by have what we know today as Camp Humphreys in Korea name after him. It is now a
logistics base. Although he did not serve as a Helicopter Pilot in RVN, he lost his life while
serving as a helicopter pilot on active duty. Burial information: Hampton National Cemetery, Hampton, VA
This information was last updated 11/07/2018
Please send additions or corrections to: VHPA Headquarters
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Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
From: Dan Taylor, CW4 Retired, 335 Trans. BN, Chu Lai, continuing to serve our troops as a
contractor at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama