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Name: CW2 William Handsome House
Status: Killed In Action from an incident on 01/17/1964 while performing the duty of Aircraft Commander.
Age at death: 35.3
Date of Birth: 09/25/1928
Home City: Ridgely, MD
Service: TC branch of the reserve component of the U.S. Army.
Unit: UTT
Major organization: other
Service: TC branch of the U.S. Army.
The Wall location: 01E-041
Short Summary: Also killed were pilot 1LT Hasper and crew members PFC Olson and PFC Flynn.
Aircraft: UH-1B tail number 62-01946
Service number: W3150295
Country: South Vietnam
MOS: 062B = Helicopter Pilot, Utility and Light Cargo Single Rotor
Primary cause: Hostile Fire
Major attributing cause: aircraft connected not at sea
Compliment cause: weapons
Vehicle involved: helicopter
Position in vehicle: co-pilot
"Official" listing: helicopter air casualty - other aircrew
Length of service: 18
Location: Unknown Province

Additional information about this casualty:
CW2 William Handsom House is Buried at the Seoul Foreign Cemetery in Korea. Three (3) men that were Killed in Viet Nam are buried in this Cemetery. 1. Wayne Arthur Garber SFC, William Handsom House CW2, and Bobbie G Wooten S/Sgt. I have the History of the Foreign Cemetery but it only gave the names, so I provided details for their records. These men were more than just a name! From: Bob Lazzell USA (ret)

Reason: aircraft lost or crashed
Casualty type: Hostile - killed
married male U.S. citizen
Race: Negro
Religion: Baptist - other groups
The following information secondary, but may help in explaining this incident.
Category of casualty as defined by the Army: battle dead Category of personnel: active duty Army Military class: warrant officer
This record was last updated on 07/28/1994

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Date posted on this site: 10/25/2024

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