Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1D tail number 66-17075
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Date posted on this site:
Copyright © 1998 - 2024 Vietnam Helicopter Pilots Association
Date: 05/05/1968
Incident number: 68050522.KIA
Unit: 176 AHC
This was a Combat Loss caused by being shot down by Ground Fire with the mission function of Combat Troop Carrier (missions assigned to an aircraft to deliver troops, supplies or equipment in a combat area in support of tactical field operations)
South Vietnam
UTM grid coordinates: BT069246 (To see this location on a map, go to and search on Grid Reference 49PBT069246)
Casualties = YES . .
Search and rescue operations were Not Required
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Survivability/Vulnerability Information Analysis Center AVDAC database. Defense Intelligence Agency Helicopter Loss database. Also: OPERA (Operations Report. )
Loss to Inventory and Helicopter was not recovered
Crew Members:
War Story:
Here is some info from the 198th Inf Bde (Lt) Daily Staff Journal, prepared at LZ Baldy on 5 May 68 that concerns the shootdown of 66-17075:
"Item: 59
Time: 1030
Incident: 1-6, minuteman shot down 0?7248.
Item: 60
Time: 1045
Incident: Firebird shot down 075248
Summary: . . .B/1-6 Inf secured area for dustoff of 2 helicopters shot down...."
6 May 68:
"Item: 14
Time: 1100
Incident: B/1-6 BT 0725245 checking area of downed bird. Loc what they think parts of 4 bodies. Also ruck sacks, lighters, wallet, dot tags w/names. A/C burned to ashes."
My comment after reading the log: numerous air strikes, gunship runs, and resupply flights in the area on 5, 6, & 7 May 68 received heavy AWF. A jet in air strike at BT 076 226 on 071025 took 50 cal hits in the wing tank, broke station and returned to Chu Lai.
By 071155 May 68, B/1-6 located enemy 50 cal positions at BT 068 227, BT 070 225, BT 074 226, BT 074 224, and BT 075 225. At 071215 May 68, "1 fired [sic fixed] wing sky raider shot down at vic BT 070225 - pilot bailed out - recovery aid went to loc and picked up pilot vic 171153."
The log also mentions the constant enemy contacts in the area during those hectic days when the NVA/VC chose not to run.
It appears that the log entries and the information in your database are referring to the same incident. At first I was confused by the different grid locations, but they are only about 300 m to 500 m apart.
The infomation came to me from LT David McBeth who was with B/1-6 on the ground at the time. He obtained copies of the logs at the National Archives II earlier this year and sent them to me so I could update our history page information about the 1st Bn 6th Inf participation in Operation WHEELER/WALLOWA.
The Americal ORLL confirms that two helicopters and one fixed wing was shot down in the area near LZ Center. The intensive anti-aircraft fire in the area and later the capture of 12.7 mm AA gun indicated that the GK-31 AA Bn had been attached to or was operating in support of the 3rd NVA Regt.
Hope this informtion is useful to someone.
Wayne R. Johnston
webmaster, 1st Bn 6th Inf site