Information on U.S. Army helicopter UH-1H tail number 66-16060
The Army purchased this helicopter 0267
Total flight hours at this point: 00000246
Date: 07/23/1968
Incident number: 68072301.TXT
Unit: A/3/17 CAV
This was a Combat incident. This helicopter was REPAIRED IN THEATER
for Troop Extraction , Hot Area.
this helicopter was on the Ground at 0000 feet and 000 knots.
South Vietnam
Helicopter took 16 hits from:
Small Arms/Automatic Weapons; Gun launched non-explosive ballistic projectiles less than 20 mm in size. (7.62MM)
The helicopter was hit in the Passenger Cargo Section
Systems damaged were: PERSONNEL
Casualties = 02 KIA . .
The helicopter Continued Flight.
The aircraft was diverted prior to accomplishing any mission objectives.
Original source(s) and document(s) from which the incident was created or updated: War Story as related by a witness. Also: Charles E. "Chuck" Oualline ()
Summary: C&C helicopter landed to assist LOH crew. Smith got out to help and was KIA on ground. CE Wenban shot in place.
Crew Members:
War Story:
Smith was trying to save pilot 1LT Douglas D. Chaney and scout-observer SP5 Francis D. Johnson who were shot down in OH-6A 65-12985.
Smith had dismounted UH-1H 66-16060. SP4 Bruce R. Wenban, also KIA that day, was shot in his seat on the UH-1H on the ground after Smith dismounted. Wenban was the crew chief on 060. The UH-1H took 16 hits on the ground and the other pilot had to take off to save the ship and what was left of the crew.
Charles E. "Chuck" Oualline,, July 2000.
This record was last updated on 07/08/2000
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Date posted on this site: 10/25/2024
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