Information on U.S. Army helicopter AH-1G tail number 67-15596
Date: 08/21/1968
Incident number: 680821011ACD Accident case number: 680821011 Total loss or fatality Accident
Unit: ACT/11 ACR
The station for this helicopter was Di An in
Number killed in accident = 2 . . Injured = 0 . . Passengers = 1
costing 461707
Source(s) from which the incident was created or updated: Army Aviation Safety Center database.
Crew Members:
Accident Summary:
On 23 December 1968 at 1200 hours I (LT Tommy D. Mayfield) was notified by WO1 Soderlund of the Air Cavalry Troop of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment that an AH-1G (Cobra) had been located in the jungle south east of Long Giao, RVN. WO1 Soderlund stated that he believed it was an AH-1G that had been missing from the 11th Armd Cav Regt since 21 August 1968. At this time I was notified that Major Bahnsen, the Air Cavalry Troop Commander, was waiting in an aircraft to fly me to the crash site. The site located at 48P YS 675 735 RVN, was thickly vegetated with a three canopy jungle. The nearest landing zone was 3/4 of a mile away. Major Bahnsen inserted me into the jungle at this point. I was met by a five man ARP team to provide security. I proceeded on foot from this point to the crash site. Upon arriving at the crash site, I noticed that there was dense undergrowth and that the aircraft was in a state of deterioration. The remains after four months were nothing but skeletons. I tried to identify the aircraft, but the tail section containing the aircraft number was missing, and the aircraft identification plate was not accessable. I obtained enough information from the generator, starter, and engine to later identify the AH-1G as 67-15596, belonging to the Air Cavalry Troop, 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment, missing since 1220 hours 21 August 1968 while on a flight from Vung Tau, RVN to Long Giao, RVN. I proceeded to take pictures of the aircraft using a 135 mm Minolta with black and white film.
This record was last updated on 05/25/1998
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