Laotian Crisis of 1962 information
for HMM-261
JTF 116

From date 620519 to 620731

HMM-261 was a US Marine Corps unit
HMM-162 was a US Marine Corps unit
JTF 116 was a US Marine Corps unit
3 MEU was a US Marine Corps unit
Primary service involved, US Marine Corps
Operation OP PLAN 32-59
Location, Udorn
Description: As part of JTF 116, the UH-34D equipped HMM-261, which was operating as the Special Landing Force (SLF), landed at Bangkok and flew on to Udorn with a refueling stop at Korat. HMM-261's heavier equipment moved by rail to Udorn. Since, the Marine infantry established a temporary camp on some high ground just beyond Nong Ta Kai, about eight miles from Udorn, HMM-261 provided support at both Udorn and Nong Ta Kai. JTF 116 was a "show of force" for the international politics and was conducted as a training, climatization, and civic action exercise by the Marines and Navy Seabee units. JTF 116 was the basis for the 3d Marine Expeditionry Unit (3d MEU). HMM-162 replaced HMM-261 in the final week of June and HMM-261 returned to the USS Valley Forge. By the time the Declaration of Neutrality of Laos was signed on 23 July, 3d MEU was reduced to about a third of its peak strength of 3,426 men. By 31 July no Marine combat units were left at Udorn and 3d MEU was deactivated a few days later.
Comments: LTC Steele, Fred A.; HMM-261 CO; ; LTC Leu, Reinhardt; HMM-162 CO; ;

The source for this information was The Laotian Crisis, 1962

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

Please send additions or corrections to: Gary Roush Email address:

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