Southern Cross information
for 14 CAB

For date 710903

14 CAB was a US Army unit
23 INF DIV was a US Army unit
Primary service involved, US Army
Quang Tin Province, I Corps, South Vietnam
Location, Chu Lai
Description: The following is an edited version of an article titled "14th Aviation Bn. gives ARVNs basic helicopter utilization course" story and photos by SP4 Mike Cassidy (23d Inf. Div. IO) CHU LAI - Men of the 14th Aviation Battalion (Combat), 23rd Infantry Division (Americal), are giving a detailed course on helicopter utilization to Army of the Republic of Vietnam infantry and artillery units in Duc Pho. The program provides instruction and practical experience on the basic and advanced levels for both officers and enlisted men. Thus far the program has given instruction to the 2nd, 3rd and 4th ARVN Regiments. Plans are underway to give the instruction to the remainder of the 2nd Infantry Division and to Regional and Popular Forces in the area. The 4th Reconnaissance Company of the 4th ARVN Regiment recently went through the basic course. The day started with instruction on the proper way to board various types of helicopters in different terrain situations. The instructor was 1LT Eric G. Herold (Seattle, WA), commanding officer of the Pathfinder Detachment of the 14th Aviation. The instruction was supplemented by a practical exercise, the proper method of getting on and off a UH-1 (Huey) for a combat assault with eight men in combat gear. Though the first run was a little tough the later groups avoided their predecessors' mistakes by paying close attention while waiting their turn. Later in a variation of the exercise, eight men were to enter the Huey from one side. This would be necessary if the helicopter had landed on a slope. The first attempt at this drill was perfect. "These soldiers are very receptive and motivated. They even enjoy the instruction. They seem to be the most receptive group I've seen here," said CPT Edwin M. Frazier, S-3, 14th Aviation. At the request of the S-3 of the 4th ARVN Regiment, this program was initiated to help the training needs of the troops. Frazier (DeRidder, La.), who has worked with ARVN soldiers as a pilot, was chosen to design the program. The second hour of instruction, given by Sergeant Jose R. Adame (Pharr, Tex.) of the Pathfinder Detachment, concerned the preparation of landing zones and techniques used to bring in a helicopter. The practical exercise was to land the real thing using hand signals. Everyone had a turn, including the company commander, 1LT Le Quang. The Pathfinder Detachment has been a main source of instruction for this program, since their job is the use of air support in a tactical situation. In the past they have worked closely with Vietnamese units in the control of their combat assaults and other airmobile operations. The job of instructor is rotated through the detachment, because all of the men are expert in this area. Pathfinder PSG Simon Quinterous (Temple, Tex.) has been cited on a number of occasions for his success in teaching through an interpreter. SP5 Carlos Solis (Tampa, Fla.), 68th Medical Detachment, in the third hour stressed the use of field expedients for medical evacuations. The emphasis throughout all the classes was on the equipment that the ARVN's have on hand and not what would be ideal in a particular situation. The day's training was concluded with instruction on the utilization of gunships and demonstration of their fire power. The troops are usually asked if they would like to be under that type of assault. The answer always comes back an emphatic "No". This class, which started July 16, has become a success. A province chief has even requested that this instruction be given to his Regional and Popular Forces. Along with this basic course, there is a 24-hour block of advanced instruction given by the 14th Aviation. "Advanced Techniques in the Employment of Helicopters-Medium and Utility" is given to ARVN officers and senior non-commissioned officers. This course explains the uses of the Huey and CH-47 (Chinook) helicopters in combat and combat support roles. Also, there is a program to instruct cadre from the 2nd ARVN Division in the employment of the Chinook. The cadre will in turn give the course to local RF and PF units. CPT Edward R. Clark, MACV advisor to the 4th ARVN Regiment, commented that this was a very important form of training, since it gives instruction to the people who will be using it-the individual soldier. LTC Joseph F. Rutkowski (Dalevale, Ala.), commanding officer of the 14th Aviation, is very proud of the success of the program. He credits the success to the teamwork of the battalion's personnel, who scheduled time for instruction with their usual duties. Photo Captions: TOP: SP5 Carlos Solis, 68th Medical Detachment, 14th Aviation Battalion, demonstrates the use of a jungle penetrator. Men of the 4th Reconnaissance Company, 4th ARVN Regiment watch the demonstration. (Note: Carlos Solis is wearing camouflage hat with CHU LAI DUSTOFF sewn above a set of crewmember wings all in white on the front of the hat). BOTTOM LEFT: 1LT Eric Herold, commanding officer of the Pathfinder Detachment, watches as a soldier from the 4th Recon Co. applies the hand signals taught in class. (Helicopter has the 14th aviation emblem on the nose). BOTTOM CENTER: GANG WAY. Men of the 4th Recon Co. hustle aboard a UH-1 (Huey) practicing a combat assault. BOTTOM RIGHT: UP, UP, and AWAY. A soldier from the 4th Recon Co. is hoisted aboard a Medivac helicopter on a jungle penetrator. The crew man standing on the skid is balancing the craft with his weight.
Comments: LTC Rutkowski, Joseph F.; 14 CAB CO; ; CPT Frazier, Edwin M.; 14 CAB S-3; ; SP5 Solis, Carlos; 68th MED DET medic; ;

The source for this information was 7109_435_scr supplied by Les Hines 03/17/2000

Additional information is available on CD-ROM.

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