Reunion War Stories and Historical
Presentations Forum (HPF)
In many previous reunions, we have offered occasional presentations from invited speakers on topics relevant to VHPA interests. More members now are voicing an interest in our formally organizing a schedule of historic presentations to be given during our annual VHPA reunion. The following is what was presented at the 2006 Reunion in Washington, DC. All of these are available on a six hour long DVD. War Stories:
Historic Presentations:
Vietnam War documentary film clips by Pat and Cheryl Fries Book Review: Flashing Sabers by Bert Chole DVDs are $15 plus $5 shipping and handling. DVDs for resale will be available to veteran organizations and museums for $15 each plus handling and shipping. Information on the 2007 War Story DVD from Phoenix.
* Note: The Online Membership Directory is now updated each business day at noon central time. During that 30 minutes or so the directory is offline so it is not available for use during the update.
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